History of Telephone Numbers and Telephony in Malta

Dialling Through Times: The Evolution of Malta's Telephone Numbers and Systems - History of telephony from Countries around the World.

Here we explore the history of the small island of Malta, from manual switchboards to mobile dominance, Malta's telecommunications landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation. In this in-depth exploration, we trace the key milestones and changes in Malta's telephone numbering systems and infrastructure. Journey with us as we uncover the fascinating story behind the digits that keep the island connected to the world.

Updated at : 5, June, 2024

History of Telephone Numbers and Telephony in Malta

The history of telephone numbers and telephony in Malta is a fascinating journey from its humble beginnings to a modern, interconnected system. Let's delve into the key milestones:

Early Days & Manual Exchanges (Late 19th Century):

  • 1882: Telephony first arrived in Malta, merely six years after Bell's invention.
  • Early Focus: Initial use was primarily for military and administrative purposes under British rule.
  • Manual Exchanges: The first telephone exchanges were entirely manual, requiring operators to physically connect lines for each call. Subscribers had short, easy-to-remember numbers.

Automation and Growth (Early to Mid 20th Century):

  • 1920s: Automatic exchanges began replacing manual systems, allowing for direct dialing and expanding capacity.
  • Numbering System Development: As the network grew, a more structured numbering system emerged. This likely involved regional codes and individual subscriber numbers within each region.
  • Post-WWII Expansion: The post-war period saw a significant increase in demand for telephone services. This led to further network expansion and the introduction of new technologies.

Modernization and Digitalization (Late 20th Century):

  • 1980s - 1990s: Malta Telecom (later privatized as GO) modernized the infrastructure with digital exchanges, fiber optic cables, and electronic switching systems.
  • Unified National Numbering: A unified national numbering plan was likely implemented, simplifying dialing within the country. This may have involved a fixed number of digits for all Maltese numbers, regardless of location.
  • Mobile Telephony: Mobile phones arrived in Malta, initially with limited coverage and high costs. Competition from new providers drove down prices and increased accessibility.

21st Century and Beyond:

  • Mobile Dominance: Mobile phones became the dominant form of communication, surpassing fixed lines.
  • Number Portability: Introduced in the early 2000s, number portability allowed subscribers to switch providers while keeping their existing numbers, fostering competition.
  • Internet and VoIP: Widespread internet access enabled Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, offering alternative calling options.
  • Modern Challenges: Malta, like other countries, faces challenges like managing number resources, ensuring network security, and adapting to new technologies like 5G and beyond.

Phone Number Formats and Changes:

  • Early Landline Numbers: In the early days of manual exchanges, phone numbers in Malta were short, often just a few digits, to make them easy for operators and subscribers to remember and dial.

  • Landline Number Expansion: As automatic exchanges were introduced and the network grew, landline numbers likely expanded to include regional codes followed by individual subscriber numbers within each area. The initial format was just 6 digits XXXXXX, with the first two digits indicating the region and the last five the specific subscriber.

  • Unified Landline Format: With the modernization of the network in the late 20th century, Malta moved to a unified national numbering plan with standardized landline numbers across the country to a fixed length with the first two digits signifying a landline number as 21 plus the original six digits (XXXXXX), regardless of geographic location.

  • Introduction of Mobile Numbers: When mobile telephony first arrived, Vodafone Malta was one of the first on the small island and the mobile numbers were distinct from landline numbers to differentiate mobile and offered SMS as well as voice service.

  • Current Mobile Number Format: Today, mobile numbers in Malta start with the prefix "79" or "99" followed by six more digits, making a total of eight digits (79-XXXXXX or 99-XXXXXX). With three main mobile networks operating in Malta, Epic Malta (ex. Vodafone Malta), Go Malta and cable operator Melita.

  • International Dialing Code: When dialing a Maltese number from abroad, one needs to use the country code "+356" followed by the subscriber's eight-digit number, omitting the leading "0" if present.

If you're looking to recieve SMS messages to a Maltese number, you can check our free Maltese numbers or buy your own private Maltese number.